Thursday, April 17, 2008

India's Population to hit 1,111,111,111 before 08-08-08

An interesting statistic for interesting times, India's population is about to reach a series of #1's. If that is an omen India is in for a good ride. I recently noticed this numeric anomaly when analyzing the Census Bureau's India Population Projection page. Ironically the World's population at (World POPClock Projection) is going to hit 6,666,666,666 by June 1, 2008 which means India will have exactly 1/6th of the world's population this quarter.

The numerologists must be having a field day with all of the numbers lining up this year. The last big numerology scare was 06/06/06 (June 6, 2006). Which we plowed through without any incidents, so don't expect much from all the 1's. Also, last year's 07/07/07 did not provide any additional luck to those in Macao or Las Vegas.

Of course the Census Bureau doesn't know the exact amount of people on the earth at one time and if you are tracking this religiously lighten up as it's just fun.


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