Monday, April 14, 2008

Microsoft Surface coming to India?

The first commercial application for Surface can be found in the US at local AT&T stores. The video below shows how it is being used.

The big question is when will the Microsoft Surface arrive in India? I see a company like Reliance Communications being the first to use Surface in India due to the many applications and uses of the technology. Imagine a Reliance Communications using Surface to help non-tech-savvy villagers select the right mobile phone. Imagine Reliance Power using it to track power outages on a large surface screen instead of a smaller computer screen. Imagine a Reliance Health using it to review medical images. The options are endless.

According to Microsoft, it will manufacture the machine itself, and sell it initially to corporate customers the first being AT&T.

The company will sell the 'Microsoft Surface' for $5,000 (Rs 2,03,170) to $10,000 (Rs 4,06,400), but says it will bring prices down to consumer levels in three to five years, and introduce the surface in various shapes and forms.


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